
Showing posts from December, 2021

Tidbits: Caesar's Murdered (Spiral #2)

Here's a spiral puzzle. It's far from pangrammatic, but still has some fun fill. I t has 100 characters, which form words both when the entire string is read from the outside in, and from the inside out, with American-style clues to aid you. Thanks to Steve Mossberg for the inspiration, and to Jack Keynes and TeamCrazyMatt for testing. Be sure to check out my other tidbits. In case you liked this one, I have  another spiral , and I also have a  wordoku  and a  novelty puzzle  (which still appears to be unsolved...). They come after every 7th puzzle. Fear not: the advent of grid #29 is imminent. Have fun! - GAIS, 24/12/21

Cryptic #28: How Embarrassing

  My Twenty-Eighth Crossword Hello all. Here's a grid that I've had ready for a while - my apologies, I didn't want to inundate you all with GAIS grids - which has some hopefully very fun clues. If you haven't watched Arrested Development, I implore that you do so. That's completely unrelated to the grid; it's just a fantastic show. Thanks to Jack Keynes for test-solving. #29 is well on the way. Have fun! - GAIS, 15/12/21