Cryptic #5: What's Eurovision?
My Fifth Crossword
Normal one today. A few tricky ones, some obscure words, some cryptic definitions, but I'm pretty happy with the result.
This grid featured the last of the OG Seed Entries: clues that I've had in my mind for the past year or so, but couldn't fit them into any previous grids.
#6 has been gridded already - but I've decided that every 3rd grid will be a themer, and #6's theme will be an absolute pain to clue, so don't hold your breath.
Thanks to everyone on MentalPlayground's stream (see left) for test solving, and especially to femvoxfan and Jack Keynes for helping me re-grid it: the initial version had some awful words in it.
(The title is a reference to a Milton Jones joke, by the way.)
Have fun!
- GAIS, 02/01/21
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