
Showing posts from April, 2021

Cryptic #15: Latin Homework

My Fifteenth Crossword Sorry for the radio silence, everyone. I haven't been feeling very cruciverbal lately, what with more exams coming up, trying to get *some* exercise into my life, and, erm... God, my life is so dreary nowadays. In Latin, we have been studying Virgil's Æneid , and the moving tale of the fall of Troy. We were briefed to make a "creative response", several months ago, so here you go. It has also worked its way into the school classics magazine, with a few strings having been pulled. (Also, should I do Latin A-level? I really like the subject... but instead of what would I do it? Decisions, decisions.) Hope you can understand some Latin. If not, you may want to move along.  Have fun! - GAIS, 30/04/21

Tidbits: Plastic Waffles (Spiral #1)

 As promised, here is a puzzle that is not a crossword - of any sort. Or is it? I don't know: it has 100 characters, which form words both when the entire string is read from the outside in, and from the inside out, with American-style clues to aid you. Thank you to Steve Mossberg for the inspiration, and to MentalPlayground, Jack Keynes and TeamCrazyMatt for test solving. Have fun! - GAIS, 06/04/21

Cryptic #14: From South Dakota to Idaho

 My Fourteenth Crossword A normal one again, with some interesting stuff, I reckon. Not much to say here, apart from thank you to Jack Keynes for test solving, and that please do not expect many publications from me. Exams are a mess, and this grid took me a day to make, whereas the next one might be out in months. Have fun! - GAIS, 05/04/21

Americanism #2: Sweet, Sweet Revenge

  My Second American Crossword Hello! Plain and simple, with a fun theme, I hope. Have fun! - GAIS, 04/04/21