Cryptic #15: Latin Homework
My Fifteenth Crossword
Sorry for the radio silence, everyone. I haven't been feeling very cruciverbal lately, what with more exams coming up, trying to get *some* exercise into my life, and, erm... God, my life is so dreary nowadays.
In Latin, we have been studying Virgil's Æneid, and the moving tale of the fall of Troy. We were briefed to make a "creative response", several months ago, so here you go. It has also worked its way into the school classics magazine, with a few strings having been pulled.
(Also, should I do Latin A-level? I really like the subject... but instead of what would I do it? Decisions, decisions.)
Hope you can understand some Latin. If not, you may want to move along.
Have fun!
- GAIS, 30/04/21
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